Light Bearer & CO2 Plasma Ascension Kit Available

Philosopher's Stone
Authentic Original Creator of The One & True: "Philosopher's Stone"

Monatomic Gold Plasma
Highest Quality & Concentration Of Monatomic Gold Available Anywhere


Highest Quality & Quantity
Best In The Business / The Authentic Originator of Plasma Nanomaterials
"When the Monatomic Gold White Powder is left dried out and exposed to the Sun, it Bursts into a Flash Of Light and Disappears. We now know how to collect that, "Burst Of Light" in it's Plasma Form in a Jar.
So naturally upon this discovery I named it, "LIGHT BEARER PLASMA" By Justin D. Smith
I AM the Stewardship of this Monatomic Gold Technology and I wish for everything to be, "PURE WITH INTENTION & INTEGRITY".
I first made this discover many years ago, by a twist of pure luck and faith, on my window sill. I had heard all the stories and legends just like many of you have about the late David Hudson's ORME's (Orbitally Re-arranged Monatomic Element's), and the PGM's (Platinum Group Metals) through the works of John Milewski and M-State Matter. These gentlemen gave their entire lives work delivering specific messages of knowledge based on their innerstandings making significant contribution to our collective consciousness as a whole. I AM HERE to deliver and live out these same capabilities and more through mine.
Justin D. Smith (JDS)
Fountain Of Youth Plasma

I urge people to start with the CO2 Liquid Diamond for 21 days to remove the resistances in the brain and body while transitioning into a more conductive state from resistive, before switching all the way up to superconductive properties throughout the brain and body. It's more subtle this way and allows an easy transition.
The CO2 Liquid Diamond Plasma is my recommended first step, then I feel it's ok to transition into the much stronger more Nobel elements. This is why I offer my most commonly used two products at the larger volume of 16oz each in the Ascension kit.
3 weeks is typically enough time for just about everybody to do an entire cycle of teaching the body and mind to swap out old resistant minerals in the DNA cells structured all throughout these vessels we walk and move around in.
No matter the lifestyle choices.
The mitochondria starts acting immediately when the body has a new selection of minerals in it's immediate inventory. Like swapping out old minerals and replacing with new minerals. It's essentially a spring cleaning to the entire molecular make-up of our DNA while the Mighty Mitochondria rewrites the New RNA codes and Builds New DNA.
Depending how you wish to use the products is entirely up to you. There is the Direct Consumption Method as well as the Plasma Water Dispenser Consumption Method.
The Direct Consumption is extremely potent and is what I insist for people in the most need for rapid healing. This requires one teaspoon of the pure un-rinsed Liquid Diamond Plasma three times a day with at least 8oz's of water. You can drink it straight from the spoon and then drink water behind it as a chaser to wash down the taste. Many people like the taste of the pure products. This will however cause you to go through your Plasma's and need to replace them sooner.
It's the stronger of the methods of course and has been proven to eradicate Stage Three Colon Cancer within just two weeks 14 days.
The Second Preferred Method, ( most commonly used method by people everywhere ) is the tea pitchers with a spigot elevated at least an inch above the bottom. This allows Plasma to settle below the Spigot of the Vessel after waiting for the materials mixed with Distilled to Fully Settle. (Deionized, Reverse Osmosis (RSO), trusted water will do if distilled isn't available. People tend to use what they can.
CO2(Liquid Diamond) Plasma
#1 Plasma In Health
Soul Connection to Emotional Balance
Heart Centering
Radiation Containment
Cellular Restructuring
RNA/DNA Upgrade
Toxin Removal
Heavy Metal Removal
Water Decontamination
Virus and Pathogen Removal
ZnO2(Zinc) Plasma
Emotional Balance
Emotional Connection
Brain Tissue Repair
"Zinc is one of the most prevalent metal ions in the brain and participates in the regulation of neurogenesis, neuronal migration, and differentiation, thereby shaping cognitive development and maintaining healthy brain function."
Light Bearer Plasma Includes Gold Plasma
AuO2(Gold) Plasma
Gold Plasma (AuO2) and AuO2 activated Plasma Water (gold) supports mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Promotes the greatest over-all health and wellness of all Plasma's
"Gold Plasma raises life Chi force and supports conductivity between nerve endings in the brain and on the surface of the body. It enlivens, rejuvenates and eases a multitude of ailments, supports blood circulation, cardio health and alleviates arthritis. Heightens senses, decreases need for sleep, increases physical energy, makes skin younger, and focus is tuned up. Gold acts just like the human's, "Energetic Light Body", and is greatly impacted by all multitudes of sound, light, vibration, etc.
16oz Both Light Bearer & CO2 Plasma
16oz Each
***How To Make Plasma Water From Plasma***
One Drop to One Gallon Method:
Add one drop of Pure Plasma to a One Gallon jar of distilled or purified water, then close the lid and shake to spread out the Pure Plasma. Plasma Water is now ready to be used for drinking, cooking, bathing in, making water based products, including plasma patches for ailments as well as feeding it to plants and animals.
4-8oz to One Gallon Method:
Add 4-8ounces of Pure Plasma to a One Gallon Tea Pitcher whereas the spigot is elevated about one inch from the bottom of the vessel to allow for Pure Plasma to settle below the spigot. Next fill the remainder of the Tea Pitcher with distilled or purified water, close the lid then let the Plasma settle 24 hours for the first rinse. The materials will settle below the spigot if the pitchers spigot is up high enough from the bottom. Once the materials have settled 24 hours or more the top water can be poured out and collected for drinking, cooking, bathing in, making water based products, including plasma patches for ailments as well as feeding it to plants and animals. If done this way with a good trusted source of water, distilled or purified etc, these materials can last you a lifetime without ever needing more materials.
Repeat as many times you wish, Plasma will continue to imprint and fortify the water indefinitely.